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Between July 9th and 15th, 2012 the Canadian Canoe Foundation in partnership with the Manitoba Chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS MB), Northern Soul Wilderness Adventures/Red River Outfitters and Paddle Manitoba lead a seven-day environmental education canoe trip program down Manitoba's Manigotagan River. Five of the participants were from the northern communities of Wanipigow, Manigotagan and Hollow River while two hailed from Winnipeg. The youth participants received certified instruction in canoeing and camping skills while learning about the ecology of the Manigotagan watershed. Structured lessons during the trip focused on a) the environmental challenges facing the East Side of Lake Winnipeg, b) the important work that is being done by environmental organizations, companies and governments in order to manage the long-term health of the region, and c) what ordinary citizens can do to promote the sustainable management of Canada’s waterways. Staff and volunteers from CPAWS MB paddled upstream to meet the youth canoe trip group on day six of the project in order to discuss their organization’s East Side Lake Winnipeg campaign and how youth can play a role in promoting the sustainable management of Manitoba’s waterways. The youth participants have been invited to play an ongoing role in the work of CPAWS MB by taking part in campaign activities including letter writing, social media promotion of key issues and hosting environmental education presentations at their schools. Funding and support for this environmental education adventure was generously provided by the RBC Blue Water Project, Mountain Equipment Co-op, CPAWS MB, North on Sixty, Northern Soul Wilderness Adventures and Paddle Manitoba.